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Your Average Wonderwoman.

Child of God †

Prefect Councillor
Outdoor Adventure Leader

Girls' Soccer

OG36 :]
Girls' Soccer

Braces :B
Liverpool Love!


&&You Say

Recall The Past:

March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008

Spread The Love ♥

A - Aaron Abraham Adlin Agnes Alicia AliciaTiang Amira Arica.PAIL♥ Arty♥ Athalie:)♥♥♥ Audrey

B - BiRu BJ BoonYang Brenda

C - CaiJing Cat&YanChao Cel!♥♥ Celestine Charis CharmaineChew ChenYang Cheryl Cheryl♥ CherylLee Chewy Chrys♥ Cindy Clarissa

D - Danny Davin Dph Denyse Dhilshad Dione Dng Doralyn

E - EeHwan Eileen Elias Elsa Esther Eva

F - Fabian Fade Farah Fathiyah Fatima Feli Fernando

G - GC! Germaine Grace GraceTang Gracelyn Gracemary Graham Guoxiang

H - HuiHong HuiYi

I - InezLau Isadora

J - Jacq Jaime JiaXian Joey Julia Jappy(: JasmineLAW Jayne Jenn Jennifer Jessica JessYeo JiaAi JiaLin Jialing JiaNi JiaYuan JieYang Joy Junipher JunLing Justin

K - KaiChuen KaiYin KangKang! Karen;LACK Kathleen KinYip

L - LiangMing Lichu Lifen♥ LiLin LingYu LiuQiong Lyana

M - Malina Mardhiyyah Marissa! Manpreet Michelle♥ Mu MuJia MingJin

N - Nada Narmadha Natasha Nathaniel Nikita Novabelle Novia NyinHui

O - Olly

P - PingSiew Priscilla

Q - Quincy♥

R - Rachel♥ RaeRaeRae RW.daughter!

S - Sabrina Sam Sambang Seon SeowYee Serene Shahrin Shan ShangYu Sharon Sharron Sher ShiangLing Shing SiNing Staf Stephanie Suria Suuz SzeLing SzeMin SzeWaiy

T - Taina Tammy Tedmond Theodore Tiffany Tracy

U - Ulrica

V - Valerie.dajie♥ Vanessa

W - WanNing Wp.RAHH♥♥♥ WanSi Weetseng WeiLing WeiSan WeiSheng WenMin WS! WeiTing

X - XiaoJun XinYing XueMin

Y - YanHui YanYing YinXue YiuLeung YiWen YunTian YuSin;missyellow♥

Z - Zachary Zaferin ZhongMing Ziyan Zoe

1P class blog
2P class blog
Lamers' blog
Citizens of Peace

YAC 2007

OG36! ♥

layout by seisha/ladun.

Saturday, May 03, 2008 | 10:04 PM

I am now posting at:


Monday, April 21, 2008 | 11:29 PM

I remember brown eyes
So sad and blue skies
Turned to darkness and night
I'm so sick of the fight
I won't breathe unless you breathe
Won't bleed unless you bleed

Today I learnt what failure is -
it is ignorant ambition and ambitious ignorance.

"Wipe those tears away, Wonderwoman."
It's been some time since I last heard those words, and I never thought I'd ever hear them again. Thank You, for everything
(But things are so screwed up when you turn around and realize that you've made a mistake, only to find that it's irreversible. Since when will time ever come to a standstill? It's now... But not anymore.)

I want to feel everything, when everything feels wrong.

And all I have, is all of me.
And it's all that I can give.
Our disappointed hearts will heal.

Friday, April 18, 2008 | 10:04 PM

So suck your so called pity down
Hey, that's not so bad, is it?
So take your cold, cold heart and drown
And don't forget to take deep breaths

Season starts tomorrow.

& I've found it's not about how good you are; it's about how bad you want it.
(God, help the SAINTS.)

'Cuz we're second to none.

Thursday, April 17, 2008 | 11:47 PM

Here's the day you hoped would never come
Don't feed me violence, just run with me
Through rows of speeding cars
The paper cuts, the cheating lovers
The coffee's never strong enough
I know you think it's more than just bad luck

Recently I've been eating so much fish 'cuz of my illness - okay it's not that serious; it's just a viral attack! - and it's driving me nuts. I think I'll start growing 2 fins and tons of scales soon. Or, maybe blubber since I find myself putting on weight from the lack of training. 3 trainings less and I feel unfit down to my veins ):

Speaking of training, I finally attended one today. My first this week, and it's the last official training before Season starts. However, I didn't exactly train on the field. Mar's ill too so we both just sat, watched, waited.. D: Pretty miserable, I must say. I miss my boots, I swear.

Team Talk was good. I like Coach, especially when he's inspirational :D Saturday's going to be our day. Hwachong, here we come! (And anyway F said he'll be pretty disappointed if we don't thrash them and who wants to disappoint him?)

When training ended we pretended to have this "Drinking Up" Session whereby we all stood together in a circle with our bottles uncapped and did the usual "yum seng" thing. This time, though, it ended with a splash - and literally! 'Cuz everyone emptied their bottles onto Wati, HAHAHA. Some birthday surprise indeed :D
HAPPY (early) 17th, WATI!


Candyman and I are having some wonderful conversation on MSN. Terribly, terribly amusing :D

guoxiang. says:
aye cheer up some stupid virus cant keep hot stuffs down!

♥"Hello, I need you." says:

♥"Hello, I need you." says:

guoxiang. says:

(HAHA, ohmygosh Shao Rou look what you did! Awesome shit now.)

guoxiang. says:
go drink water now

♥"Hello, I need you." says:
Oh right okay wait ah.

guoxiang. says:
woah so ting hua, awesome~

♥"Hello, I need you." says:

♥"Hello, I need you." says:
Just don't have any evil thoughts that will make you want to start treating me like a dog.

guoxiang. says:
noooooooooooo never.

guoxiang. says:
okay anyway i think people should never be associated with dogs its almost too basket

♥"Hello, I need you." says:

♥"Hello, I need you." says:
Ohmygosh, you made me literally laugh out loud and now my Dad and my brother think I'm crazy!

♥"Hello, I need you." says:
guoxiang. says:
okay anyway i think people should never be associated with dogs its almost too basket

guoxiang. says:

♥"Hello, I need you." says:
This sentence is way funny.

♥"Hello, I need you." says:

Thursday nights make me cranky, and they leave me hung up on Friday mornings.

Right now you're all that I recognize.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 | 7:48 PM

Don't be so amazing or
I'll miss you too much
I felt something that I had never touched
Consider yourself lucky if you think of this as home
You can move mountains with your misery if you don't


Haven't been to school on Monday, went for half a day on Tuesday (thereby missing my Econs test) and today I wasn't present either. This sUxXx ballzzzzXZzxz ): I sure miss A02 a whole lot and not forgetting Soccer. There's too much I'm missing out on in school that the thought is just enough to kill.
. Am sure there's a Higher Order I've yet to learn to appreciate.

Throwing that aside, I swear Blogger codes are 100000000 times friendlier than LJ codes omgwtfbbqzz! Okay, it's official: I just spent 3 hours ++ on random words, letters, symbols & numbers - javascript, HAHA - I totally should've never laid my eyes on, nor even bothered to process with the precious cells in my brain. Dang, I'd be better off studying.

Season's coming up and it's really freaking me out. The fact that I'm ill ain't doing it any justice either anyway. Oh, something I thought's worth mentioning (thanks to Andrew who pointed it out): In today's Straits Times HOME Section under Sports there's an article about Girls' Soccer and how it's gaining popularity in schools. So much so that the MOE is finally going to regard it as an official CCA. What joy - at least the Government realizes there's a whole bunch of us females that's just raging with passion about a sport called Soccer. And, am sure our ardor the past few years hasn't gone to waste. Thankfully enough :D

But what shit, they only mentioned Veejay. Where the hell is "SAJC"? They may've bagged a 14-0 today but that ain't going to bring us down, by any chance.

Update on the Championships: We're in the same Group as HCI, RJC, NYJC and SRJC. (No prizes for guessing who's in the other Group, then.)

And yeh, I'm feeling really crappy about everything. Life in general feels like a pain and I think I'm quite disillusioned about some people around me. I'll get over it though, I'm stronger than this.


I may have failed
but I have loved you from the start.

Monday, April 14, 2008 | 9:13 PM

Lately I've found out that I'm a secret
Call me stupid, call me what you want to
I still can't feel perfect inside your head
I don't know why
It makes me cry

Been working on a mega-long post since 4.30pm this afternoon. But I'd abandoned it halfway 'cuz Blogger decided to screw up (oh how timely) and didn't allow me to upload photos ): Besides, work ain't going to spare you even you're ill.

Anyway, tonight I realized how encouraging Johnny can be.

♥You're my Comicbook Superhero. says:
Jiayou Johnny. And don't fail the test tomorrow.

† junyanG ; 'You are, my fire. says:
haha jiayou too hotstuff

† junyanG ; 'You are, my fire. says:
hot things score hot marks

♥You're my Comicbook Superhero. says:

Mhm, that's me alright! ECONS FTW.

You have me waiting.

Sunday, April 06, 2008 | 11:28 PM

I'll wait until tomorrow
Maybe you'll feel better then
Maybe we'll be better then
So what's another day
When I can't bear these nights of thoughts of going on without you?
This mood of yours is temporary
It seems worth the wait
To see you smile again

Terrible night.

& I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm not sure.

Because I am strong, I'll hold 'em off. And should my eyes decide to let 'em flow I'd rather have them dug out, more than anything else. What agony, to have to bear the sight of your sorrow.

Eyes on the prize.